Hello There bronze wall relief sculpture of a female nude that looks out of a picture frame. Created and cast by Andrew DeVries. Copyright 2017, Edition of 12

Hello There is the hit of Open Studio!

Hello There, the most recent bronze relief was unveiled at Open Studio in August. In a matter of one week 9 of the edition (12) were sold! Andrew is currently sending the last 3 through the ceramic shell mold process and hopes to have at least one ready for the Holiday Reception  to be held at DeVries Fine Art International in Lenox, MA on December 2nd.

Andrew DeVriesSculptor Andrew DeVriesSculptorBronze SculptorArtist
42 East River RoadMiddlefield P.O. Huntington,MA01050
(413) 238-7755
62 Church StreetLenox,MA01243
(413) 637-3462DeVries Fine Art International