The River



The River is one of my earliest works done once I settled here in Middlefield, cast here in 1987. For millennia humans have deified flowing waters in both legend and art, from water nymphs and river gods of the early Greeks to the Rhinemaidens in opera. This is my interpretation in bronze of the fluidity of streams and rivers.

The rippling muscles of the torso and limbs embody the rushing brook and stream that exist on the Sculpture Trail property. It is mounted on just one shoulder that accents the uninterrupted flowing motion.

This sculpture measures 8 inches in height by 23 inches in width and 6 inches in depth mounted on a rectangular antique verde base emphasizing the horizontal surging feel of the work. The 5th cast in an edition of 10 is here at our gallery and ready to embellish your home.

Additional information

Dimensions8 × 23 × 6 in


