This presentation documents the rebuilding of River Studio.
- A tragic fire destroys the original River Studio on September 23rd, 2016.
- Our friend Bill Kelly comes in early spring to measure and draw out new plans.
- A fundraiser at Ventfort Hall helps raise over $18,000 towards rebuilding costs.
- Cement blocks arrive for the four foot knee wall in May.
- Sean Noonan and his assistant lay the block knee wall.
- Jeff Donovan works the excavator, Andrew begins the first stud wall.
- The new casting studio walls are up.
- Bob Crupi comes to help with the modelling studio walls.
- The common wall is up.
- Now the first of the modelling studio walls is beineg raised.
- Up.
- Up.
- Up.
- Almost there!
- All the walls are up and the rafters are being placed.
- Setting the rafter.
- Kurt helps on the rafters.
- The rafters go up on the casting studio overhang.
- We are racing against the oncoming winter.
- One of the last sunny warm days - the roof cap on the peak goes on.
- The last piece of the roof!
- Siding.
- The windows and doors are nearly all in.
- January! We beat the winter but more work inside remains. By spring we should be up and running again at the new River Studio. Our thanks to Everyone!